What Is Tvalidator And How Does It Work?

3 min readMay 21, 2021

Have you ever wondered how companies and organizations validate large amounts of data to bring about intelligent business solutions? We have an answer for you in the article below.

From industries such as banking and other financial institutions, survey processes, healthcare industry, maintaining customer and business data of an enterprise, ensuring the correctness and accuracy of data input in these sectors can be challenging. For instance, bank data in corporate systems are susceptible to general errors such as mistyping, unverified information provided by clients or staff that might lead to incorrect data input, relying on unverified supplied data, or getting data from unreliable sources, and more. Besides, the bank database can quickly become outdated without regular updates from reliable sources. That can affect payment instructions, and prevent straight-through processing of their payments, and more.

Similarly, incorrect, out of date, redundant, incomplete, or healthcare data formatted incorrectly can adversely affect patient health, clinical outcomes, and efficiency of medical services, and more. Here is where a product such as TValidator can be of great help for every industry looking for a solution to conveniently and accurately validate their large amounts of commercial or institutional data.

All about TValidator:

TValidator is the fully configurable, easy-to-use, AI-enabled validation engine based on es6. As more business processes get electronic or workflows get digital, there is a constant need to collect and validate large amounts of data. With ever-growing workflows due to regulatory requirements and more, businesses require added data from customers or potential clients, making the validation of such forms a tedious process. Forms are one of the best ways to get information from prospective clients. However, today’s complex forms make the form validation process very time-consuming, directly impact the cost to a business.

TValidator, as a JavaScript utility library, helps in validating form-based web applications like digital banking applications, web-based surveys, and more. However, it does not solely validate form controls. TValidator further helps control their behavior based on different complex validations. Since TValidator is responsible for handling all complex logic, it enables the enterprise to invest their time and resources in other significant tasks.

How does the AI-enabled TValidator work?

TValidator works based on Rules. A Rule is definable in a JSON file that has all the necessary information about a specific validation. These rules can are convenient for self-creation by anyone with ease using the rule editor on the tvalidator.com web portal.

A simple dashboard and a tool to manage or control rules without requiring any technical knowledge of the code, the Rule editor portal of TValidator takes all user inputs and converts them into a JSON file accessible by the TValidator core library. The user then needs to download specific JSON’s into their application and integrate them with the TValidator Core Library. Every user has their profile set up as per company and product on the TValidator.com website. That allows the user to access all rules created by him/her for a specific account.

Based on the source and target id concept, Rules are further categorizable as per complexity and requirements.

Hence, the above stated are everything one should know about TValidator. It will help a user comprehend how it works, as explained by the creators of TValidator themselves. However, to learn more about the product, the best way is to try it out on the official web portal of TValidator on tvalidator.com.




TValidator, an AI-Enabled Form Validator, processes & validates volumes of data of form-based web applications like digital banking applications, etc.